Queens Botanical Garden’s first-ever Movie Nights series turns the urban oasis in Flushing into an outdoor cinema! Experience big screen magic with the beautiful backdrop of golden hour in the evening. In addition to enjoying seasonal, movie-themed food and refreshments and exclusive after-hours access to the...

This winter, explore Brooklyn Botanic Garden like never before at the after-dark, illuminated spectacular Lightscape. Join with family and friends to celebrate the beauty of nature in winter on this enchanting trail animated by dazzling light, color, and sound. Across a one-mile trail winding through BBG’s...

Sleep under the stars! Camp overnight in NYC parks with Urban Park Rangers as your hosts and guides. Pitch a tent under the stars and settle in for a night of adventure. Some of the family-friendly camping programs may feature a Ranger-led nighttime hike through...

Free Public Sunday Programs every Sunday from August 1 through October 31, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. (weather permitting) Alley Pond Adventure Course is an outdoor adventure that fosters trust, problem-solving, and team-building right in your own backyard at beautiful Alley Pond Park. Our Adventure Course...

Tune in for special author talks and Q&As with Tony Medina, author of Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Boy, and Mike Curato, author of Little Elliot, Big City. Plus, join the Library and our friends—including Flor Bromley, Jimmy James Green, and Urban Stages—for a...

Below are some fabulous NYC Theater Classes now taking bookings for Fall. So, if you have a little shining star, then we are showcasing the perfect classes for your family. TADA! Youth Theater Use code EB50 by July 31st for $50 off! TADA! Youth Theater is excited to be...

Below are some fabulous NYC Art Classes now taking bookings for Fall. So, if you have a mini Picasso, or a budding Van Gogh, then we are showcasing the perfect classes for you and your family. Barking Cat Studio Art Classes for Kids Toddlers/PreK, After-School & Saturday...

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is thrilled to present fun-filled—and sun-filled!—outdoor programming and activities for young audiences and the young at heart. From ticketed performances to pop-up workshops and events, an open-air reading room, and participatory art installation (The GREEN), Restart Stages will keep...