Super Duper Tennis is a mobile tennis program dedicated to teaching the FUNdamentals of tennis to kids aged 10 and under in an educational and exciting environment. Our program enhances self-esteem, builds confidence, and fosters a love for the game. We use simple and enjoyable...

Private Picassos will open a second location for their Art Studio in Clinton Hill at 293 Grand Avenue. This larger space will host their popular walk-in art making, along with art classes for kids & adults, birthday parties, art camp, and special events. Programming for kids...

Italian Summer Camp: Ages 2-10 June 10th – August 30th In-person Get ready for an exhilarating summer! Immerse your child in a world of Italian culture with our Mini Italian Summer Camp. It's not just about learning a new language; it's about embracing Italian traditions through...

Genesis Tree of Life offer a unique curriculum of yoga movements, creative game playing, social interaction, and meditation, perfectly blended to help your child grow and develop. By developing a positive self-image and understanding the power of attitudes, your child will be well on their...

At Camp Churchill the thrill of summer never ends! Get ready to embark on an exhilarating summer journey packed with five weeks of absolute joy for kids entering grades K-6! Here are the top 3 reasons you should register now! 1. Daily Literacy and STEM Education Campers...

NYC Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue announced that the City’s public beaches are open for swimming from Saturday, May 25, and remain open through Sunday, September 8, 2024. Lifeguards will be on duty daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Swimming is unsafe and strictly prohibited at...