Otto Specht School

The property

The Otto Specht School uniquely meets the needs of today’s alternative learners through an emphasis on movement, the therapeutic nature of the outdoors, small class sizes and individualized instruction as needed, and an array of traditional and anthroposophical therapeutic modalities. Our programs address the growing need for an educational model that can meet children’s asynchronous learning and development, supporting each child towards independence, social integration, and self fulfillment.

Our programs include:

Early Childhood: Our mixed age kindergarten classes emphasize sensory integration and the social development of our students. The curriculum is brought in songs, games, stories, exploration of the natural world, and the celebration of many festivals throughout the year.

Grades 1 - 8: The Waldorf curriculum is adapted to each child’s learning and developmental needs. A continued emphasis on the hands-on experiential components of learning and the therapeutic nature of being outdoors continues as the journey through the grades begins to include more academic focus, meeting each student where they are.

High School: High school students have the opportunity to achieve a high school diploma or a certificate of completion. All students engage in both academics and practical life skills throughout their high school years. Open to students through age 21.

Transitional Program: Upper High School Students at the Otto Specht School have opportunities to immerse themselves in a variety of individualized community based vocational internship programs that will provide opportunities for job training, enhanced learning, academic and social growth. Some of the possibilities include retail management, Fine and practical arts programming, agriculture, culinary arts, music, and caregiving for elders at the local Senior Centers.

At Otto Specht School, we serve students with complex learning needs including students on the autism spectrum, students with ADHD, pathological demand avoidance (PDA), school anxiety and school refusal, “twice exceptional” students, students with communication disorders, learning disabilities, and more. At Otto Specht School our students are not defined by these diagnoses and disabilities. All students are welcomed, accepted, and celebrated for the complete individual they are. As a community of learners, we all grow and become better versions of ourselves.


Otto Specht School
260 Hungry Hollow Road
Spring Valley, NY 10977

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