16 Mar Summer Lab Camp with Dwight School
We’re looking forward to igniting our campers’ passion for science, technology, engineering, arts, and design! We are thrilled to offer your campers an immersive experience that involves design and innovative tools, technology, and materials.
Our five-week camp will offer STEAM-related workshops taught by seasoned educators in electronics, engineering, creative coding, digital game design, 3D modeling and printing, e-textiles, woodworking, and robotics. Daily activities will include engineering challenges, math games, a meet-the-maker series, citizen science activities, and more — plus weekly outdoor activities. Lunch is included.
As all inventors and creators face obstacles in their quest for greatness, campers will also have the unique opportunity to learn tools for stress management through meditation and mindfulness techniques, which will be helpful no matter where life takes them!
We look forward to offering our campers the mindset, tools, and experiences to make sense and take charge of their world.
To register, go to https://dwightschool.jumbula.com/#/lab-camp-2021
You can mix and match weeks to design your own summer – and choose from in-person and virtual programs!
10% early-bird discount – EBD10
10% sibling discount – code SD10
Dwight School
291 Central Park West
New York
NY 10024
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