19 Nov Say Hello to Ami Gallagher, Founder of StaySmallArtClub
Tell us a bit about yourself
Hi, I’m Ami from StaySmallArtClub. A children’s mobile Art and Craft class in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Jackson heights. I’m a momma of 2. Ford, 11 and Noah, 8. I’ve lived in Williamsburg since 2008 and lived in and around nyc since 2000. I have had a love of Art, crafting, and kids since high school.
Where are you based and what areas does your business cover
I am based in Williamsburg, covering Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Jackson heights.
Tell us a bit about your business and what inspired you to start it
I started StaySmallArtClub when my daughter Ford was just a baby. By the time she was able to hold a paintbrush (around 7 months), I started doing small art projects with her. Once we made a little crew of friends I began doing art-based play dates. Just simple, easy crafts that little artists could handle. It was super fun. And my mom-friends really appreciated it. Not everyone is Pinterest-y/Craft loving, mess making mom like me. By the time my son Noah was born, I was doing art with Ford and her friends pretty consistently. I held art playdates in our small apartment. It got pretty crowded since most of Ford’s friends were starting to have siblings. My best friend Nikole suggested I come to her apartment building and do a “class” in their building’s play space. I wasn’t working at the time, so she told me to charge a few bucks to cover materials. I felt weird taking money, but art supplies aren’t cheap. After a few classes in her building, word got out and babes from all over Williamsburg were coming to make art with me! It was awesome! After about a year, both of my kids were in school and I added more classes. I teamed up with Edamama Cuts and More, a kids hair salon on Union Ave, and started holding classes there.
Fast forward 4 years later, and post covid shut down, I’m doing about 6-8classes a week. I’m holding them in McCarren park, Travers park in Queens and my favorite place, Edamama!
Stay Small was created to bring art into young children’s lives. The earlier the better. I have artists as young as 1 painting and creating. There is nothing better than watching a little artist paint for the first time. The pride in their eyes after finishing a project is the best ever!!! I also love bringing families together. Introducing people through art. Watching people connect, while bonding with their kids. It’s awesome.
It can be very isolating when you’re a new parent. It makes me happy that my class brings people together. If you feel good, your babe feels good, they feed off that energy. What’s better then that!?
The Art and Crafts class is great for 18months – 4years olds, but all ages are welcome. It’s a pre, pre-school class. It’s casual and fun, we do songs and stories and Art! Perfect for new parents to meet other new parents and great for getting your child socialized, especially after a year and a half of absolutely no socializing!!!
What can we expect to see from you in the future
I’m hoping to find a permanent home for Stay Small, I’d love to have a small studio at some point. But right now i like being able to pack my supplies on my bike and head to different locations. I meet so many people this way!!
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