Little Island NYC

Little Island NYC

About Little Island NYC

Escape the chaotic city and immerse yourself in the serene beauty of Little Island NYC. Whether you’re seeking a tranquil spot for your lunch meeting, a picturesque venue for a post-work happy hour, or a romantic setting for a date night, Little Island has got you covered.

Why not take the time to sit back and relax in our breathtaking amphitheater, where you can marvel at the vibrant colors that dance over the Hudson River. The view alone will leave you awestruck, making every moment spent here truly unforgettable.

Looking to add some excitement to your fitness routine? Incorporate Little Island into your running route and experience the invigorating energy of this enchanting oasis. Alternatively, utilize our versatile spaces for your daily yoga practice and find your inner zen amidst the lush greenery.

Relax on Little Island NYC

Let the hustle and bustle of the city fade away as you find solace in the midst of nature. Meditate on our inviting boulder scrambles, feeling the stress melt away as you connect with the soothing elements surrounding you. Or, lose yourself in a captivating book while basking in the tranquility of our park benches.

Rest assured, your presence at Little Island is valued. That’s why we have a field for validation purposes – to ensure that every moment you spend here is an affirmation of the serenity and beauty we strive to offer.

Little Island awaits, ready to provide you with an experience like no other. Unwind, recharge, and let the beauty of this haven wash over you. Visit us at and let the enchantment begin.


Little Island
Pier 55 in Hudson River Park at, W 13th St
New York, NY 10014


Image Credit: Little Island

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