Brooklyn Robot Foundry Summer Circuits

Brooklyn Robot Foundry Summer Circuits

Make it a summer of creativity and fun at Brooklyn Robot Foundry’s studio in Gowanus! Each week features a cool theme, with special robot projects, crafts, games, outside time, and more awesomeness!

Led by amazing teachers, the Summer Circuits program is everything you and your kid are looking for this summer. They’ll have a blast with all the fun activities, including building a different cool robot each day, which they’ll take home afterward for more fun. And yes, kids will learn about circuitry and other STEAM-tastic wonders, but most of all they’ll get silly and have a great time!

These fun-filled days run from 9a-3p from July 3 – September 1, with an optional extended day until 5:30p, and are open to kids 6-12 years old.

Brooklyn Robot Foundry
98 4th Street (@ Bond St.)
Brooklyn, NY 11231

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